6389 students pre-k to 8th grade had their BMI’s measured across our area.
Download the toolkit for more information.
2018-2019 HRSA Network Development Planning Grant
This grant awards $100,000 for one year to Purchase Area Health Connections. This grant will help 1) Expand the Purchase Area Health Connections rural health network to achieve efficiencies 2) Establish Network partner engagement and involvement plan to achieve efficiencies and 3) Compile data from various regional reports and assessments to create a Childhood Obesity Community Action Plan. With the support of the planning grant, the Network will establish a new strategic plan, expand the network by seven new organizations, create a Childhood Obesity Community Action Plan, and develop a toolkit with focused messaging, that will allow the network to develop best-practices for addressing childhood obesity.
Purchase Area Health Connections (PAHC) is a coalition comprised of partners from multiple entities to improve the health and well-being of individuals in the Purchase Area. Kentucky is the 8th worst state in the nation regarding adult obesity and 3rd worst for obesity rates for children between 10-17. Students who are obese are more likely than non-obese children to have lower academic scores, poorer rates of school attendance, lower self-esteem, and more hospital stays. Obesity increases the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease. Each of these diseases are in the top 10 rankings of causes of death in Kentucky. This is the first generation of children that may not outlive their parents due to obesity and obesity related issues.
PAHC board members saw the opportunity to reduce the burden of obesity in our area by applying for a planning grant to address childhood obesity. Once awarded, PAHC developed a Childhood Obesity Prevention Action Team (COPAT) recruiting new members from schools, parks and recreation, and non-profit organizations to develop a Childhood Obesity Community Action Plan.